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Changing the Font

To change the font TinyTERM uses, go to the Edit menu and select Session Properties. From there, click on the Fonts tab. The Add Font button will allow you to add a new font.

For terminal emulators, a monospaced font is the best choice. Courier New and Lucida Console are both good choices and available on most Windows systems.

Once you’ve chosen a font and added it to the TinyTERM font list, click on the name to highlight it, then click the Up button on the Fonts tab until it’s at the top of the list. TinyTERM uses a font cascade, which means it checks the fonts in the order listed when drawing the screen.

You may find that lines and boxes draw with unusual characters after this. The default Term font used by TinyTERM has line draw characters in specific reference locations. Other fonts don’t always share these.

You can change the display by going to the Attributes tab of Session Properties and checking the Use Non-Font Based line draw characters box. That will use graphics to draw lines instead of characters.

The TN3270 and TN5250 emulations only use one font. To change that font, open the Session Properties and go to the Fonts tab. Click the Edit font button to select a new font. A monospaced font is still the best choice.

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