Display Settings

Default colors and other options not specific to the emulation type are set on the Display tab.


  • Attributes sets the colors for background, foreground and bold text
  • Cursor Color sets the color of the cursor
  • Codepage selects the code page for connections not using UTF-8
  • VT100 NRCS sets the National Replacement Character Set used by VT100 emulation
  • VT200 Multinational selects the character set for international characters in VT220 and VT320 emulations
  • Rows and Columns may be set to custom values, rather than the defaults shown here

IBM 3270

  • Attributes sets the colors to use for fields, depending on the protection and highlight status
  • Cursor Color sets the color of the cursor
  • Codepage is currently not available
  • DBCS Font selects the font to use for double-byte character sets

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