Debug Settings

TinyTERM has a thorough suite of debug options for tracing potential problems. This is accomplished via the Debug option on the Help menu. Several command-line parameters are available as well.

Century Software's technical support department may request a debug from TinyTERM Plus in order to troubleshoot some issues.

The Debug Menu

The debug menu consists of two sections: debug options, and destination options. The debug options are:

Setting Definition
 IBM Emulation  TRACE_PARSE3270 | TRACE_DUMP3270 | TRACE_IO3270
 Macro/Automation  TRACE_MACRO
 Printing  TRACE_PRINT
 dprintln  records dprint() and dprintln() script command output
 Set debug Value...  enter a hexadecimal debug value as defined below

The destination options are:

Setting Definition
 Debug Monitor  located at
 C:\Program Files (x86)\Century\TinyTERM\dbmon32\cenDebugMonitor.exe
 Dev Environment  used internally by Century Software for development
 File  text file
 Show Timestamp  add timestamps to debug messages
 Select Debug File...  browse to set location and name of debug file
 Show Debug File...  open debug file in text editor

Command-Line Parameters

TinyTERM's command-line parameters include debugmask, debugroute and debugfile. These are all preceded on the TinyTERM command line by a dash; e.g.,

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Century\TinyTERM\tt.exe" -debugmask comm -debugroute 0x01 default.tpx


The debugmask can either be a hexadecimal mask value, or a comma-separated list of settings words. Settings words include:

Setting Definition
 none  all debug output suppressed (default)
 3270  TRACE_PARSE3270 | TRACE_DUMP3270 | TRACE_IO3270

Multiple arguments are separated by commas, but not spaces. For example, to turn on both comm and 3270 debugging, use this argument:

-debugmask comm,3270

A hex mask provides finer control over which debug options are used. Available masks include:

Mask Definition
 0x00000000  all debug output suppressed (default)
 0x00000001  TRACE_COMINPUT
 0x00000002  TRACE_COMOUTPUT
 0x00000004  TRACE_DIALOG
 0x00000008  TRACE_LOGIN
 0x00000010  TRACE_INTERNAL
 0x00000020  TRACE_DIALOG2
 0x00000040  TRACE_FAILURE
 0x00000080  TRACE_FONT
 0x00000100  TRACE_KEYBOARD
 0x00000200  TRACE_KEYBOARD2
 0x00000400  TRACE_MOUSE
 0x00000800  TRACE_COM
 0x00001000  TRACE_CAPTURE
 0x00002000  TRACE_PRINT
 0x00004000  TRACE_SSH
 0x00008000  TRACE_PARSE3270
 0x00010000  TRACE_PGL1
 0x00020000  TRACE_PGL2
 0x00040000  TRACE_WINDOW
 0x00080000  TRACE_DUMP3270
 0x00100000  TRACE_IO3270
 0x00200000  TRACE_MACRO
 0x00400000  TRACE_SCANNER
 0x00800000  TRACE_RCONFIG
 0x01000000  TRACE_FT
 0x02000000  TRACE_WINHLLAPI
 0x10000000  TRACE_SCRIPT
 0x20000000  TRACE_DPRINTF
 0x40000000  TRACE_TEST
 0x40000000  TRACE_TEMP

Hex masks may be combined by adding the values to get a single hexadecimal number. The leading zeroes may also be left off. For example,

-debugmask 0x106

is the same as:

-debugmask 0x00000106


The debugroute setting determines where the debug information is written:

Mask Definition
 0x00  all debug output suppressed (default)
 0x01  TRACE_DBMON (debug monitor)
 0x02  TRACE_MSDEV (Microsoft developer environment)
 0x04  TRACE_FILE (local text file)
 0x08  TRACE_DEBUGGER (developer environment debug tool)

TRACE_FILE, option 0x04, requires a full path to a text file as an argument:

-debugroute 0x04 C:\Temp\TinyTERMdebug.txt

As with debugmask, these values may be combined. For example, the following option will write to both the debug monitor and a local file:

-debugroute 0x05 C:\logs\TTlog.txt

The debug monitor referenced by mask 0x01 is included in the TinyTERM install, normally at:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Century\TinyTERM\dbmon32\cenDebugMonitor.exe


The -debug command-line parameter starts TinyTERM in a debug mode that primarily shows internal information. The debug data writes to the debug monitor automatically, as with -debugroute 0x01 above, but no additional argument is needed:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\Century\TinyTERM\tt.exe" -debug default.tpx

-debug has been deprecated in favor of the finer control offered by the above options. However, it is still available.

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