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 Home  >>  Documentation  >>  TinyTERM AX for Web  >>  Setup Overview

TinyTERM AX for Web Setup Overview

  1. Web Server Requirements

    • Microsoft Windows 2003 or 2008 Server, UNIX, Linux or another server OS
    • Apache, Microsoft IIS or any other HTTP server

  2. Client PC Requirements

    • Microsoft Windows XP, Vista, 7 or 8, Windows 2003 or 2008 Server via RDP
    • Microsoft Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9 or 10, either 32- or 64-bit

  3. Web Server Setup

    TinyTERM AX for Web will install and run from any Web server platform. To get started, select a directory on your Web server for TinyTERM AX.

    Copy the .cab and tinyterm.html files into that directory. The tinyterm.html file will be edited for configuration settings, and a full URL to the tinyterm.html file will be the link that automatically loads and starts the terminal emulator from an accessible Internet Explorer client.

    Note that the .cab file contains the ActiveX terminal emulator control and DLLs as well as preconfigured keyboard and codepage settings. Because of security issues related to automatic downloads by the IE browser, this file is digitally signed by Century Software and cannot be modified by you. All settings must be configured in the tinyterm.html file.

  4. Terminal Emulator Preconfiguration

    All terminal emulator settings are preconfigured in the URL file clicked on by users to start the terminal emulator. A mostly-preconfigured version of this file is provided, called tinyterm.html.

    There are three sections in tinyterm.html for configuration:

    1. Form Input HTML Section for entering hostname, username and password before connecting.
    2. Object HTML Section for entering TinyTERM AX ClassID and position (changes each version).
    3. Script Settings Section for entering license key, emulator type, connection protocol and other settings.

    In order to get TinyTERM AX for Web running quickly, only the license key, emulator type, and connection protocol need be specified. Using a text or HTML editor, open tinyterm.html and find the Script Settings section. Then modify the values using the license key accompanying your evaluation or permanent product license, as well as the terminal type and connection type:

    License Key

    Edit the "Company Name" and License Key in the AddLicenseKey function. The license is case-sensitive, so either paste it in directly or be sure Caps Lock is on when typing it:

    AddLicenseKey("Company Name", "ABCDE-12345-FGHIJ-67890-KLMNO");

    Without a license key, or with an invalid key, TinyTERM AX for Web will load in the browser, but it won't connect. By default it displays an error message on a missing or invalid key.

    Connection Protocol Type

    By default, a basic telnet connection will be attempted. To add either SSH or SSL security by default, the connectionType property must be changed:

    // Protocol for connection type (telnet, SSH or SSL/TLS)
    // ConnectionType is 0 is for telnet, 5 for SSH and 4 is for SSL/TLS
    cente.connectionType = 0;

    Terminal Emulation Type

    The terminal emulation type is set by the "emulation" property. A complete list of emulation types is specified in tinyterm.html.

    cente.emulation = 12; // default VT220 for AX UNIX
    cente.emulation = 23; // default 3278 Mod 2 (24x80) for AX 3270
    cente.emulation = 21; // default 3179-2 (24x80) for AX 5250

    Preconfigured Hostname or Port number

    The hostname or IP address can be specified for an automatic connection. If left blank, the hostname entered in the web page will be used. Setting the port to 0 will use the default for the connection protocol type.

    cente.node = ""; // override hostname on web page
    cente.netport = 23; // port override on all connections

    At this point, the file should be saved and a test connection attempted, by setting up the Client PC as described below. After assuring that a connection works and the terminal emulator runs, more advanced options can be configured such as auto-login using an SSH username and/or password, and setting predefined codepage or keyboard layouts. Instructions for this are in the tinyterm.html file. In addition, the Form Input HTML Section can be modified to remove the edit box entries for hostname/username if desired.

  5. Client PC Setup

    The Windows PC where TinyTERM AX for Web will run must have Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7, 8, 9 or 10 installed, and selected as the default browser if not already running. In Windows 8, this must run in the Desktop interface, not in the Metro interface.

    Use IE's default settings for Internet security, normally "Medium-High". ActiveX controls and JavaScript must be allowed to run. And for functions such as printing the screen, "Protected Mode" must be turned off for the zone TinyTERM AX will run in.

  6. Running TinyTERM AX for Web

    To run TinyTERM AX, browse to the tinyterm.html file in Internet Explorer. When prompted, allow the ActiveX control to install for all users.

    TinyTERM AX will open in the browser window. It will either have hostname/username boxes and a connect button, or it will automatically connect, depending on the configuration setup in tinyterm.html.

  7. Contact Century Software, Inc.

    Further information is available online at, or email or call +1 801 268 3088x5 for technical support. Phone technical support is available 8-5 MST/MDT weekdays.

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