
TinyTERM for iOS supports four categories of gestures. These are designed to make TinyTERM easier to use, whether by offering quick access to commonly used features, or by allowing you to customize TinyTERM's appearance and behavior.

  • Tap and drag
    In landscape orientation and with zoom mode on, holding and moving a single finger on the screen moves around the view port. If the text is minimized, then it will all fit on screen, so no dragging is needed.

    Tapping this button changes it from four outward-facing arrows to a single one pointing up. This is scrollback mode. Dragging a finger in the emulation screen in this mode scrolls through the buffer, showing prior text displays. This operation can be very fast, especially when a large amount of text is in the buffer.

  • Double tap
    Double-tapping the emulator screen displays or hides the keyboard. Double-tapping with two fingers starts a scan with the rear camera.

  • Tap and hold
    Holding one finger down starts text selection for copy, or offers the option to paste text. Paste always happens at the current cursor position.

  • Pinch zoom
    In landscape orientation and zoom mode, this resizes the font between full size and fitting all text in the view port. Any size in between is available. This operation is disabled in portrait mode.

  • Keyboard swipe
    Swiping left or right on TinyTERM's custom keyboard changes to the next main layout. The default iOS system keyboard is not included in the layouts accessible via swiping.

To Disable Keyboard Swipe

Keyboard swipe is controlled by the Preferences.ttsettings file, contained within the exported TinyTERM settings. To disable keyboard swipe, export and unzip the TinyTERMConfig.ttconfig file. Edit the file Preferences.ttsettings using any plain text editor.

Locate the <com.censoft.featureSet> section. Under the <dict> headings, add the following two lines:


Zip the configuration after making this change, and change the extension to .ttconfig. Then import the updated configuration file. Keyboard swipe will be disabled.


The on-screen buttons have several functions, accessed by whether they are tapped or held.

  • Keyboard button
  • Connect button
    • Tap
      Connect the currently selected configuration.
    • Tap and hold
      Show list of configurations. Tap one to connect it.
  • Disconnect button
    The "Connect" button automatically changes to this when a session is conected. Tapping it presents "Disconnect" and "Cancel" buttons. This prevents accidental taps from closing the connection automatically.

Configuration List

The configuration list shows all current configurations. Tap a configuration name to open its settings. Swipe a configuration name to the left to delete it, except for the Default configuration.

You can also tap the START button to connect a configuration without having to go into the settings for it. Similarly, the STOP button disconnects a currently connected session.

TinyTERM Enterprise allows multiple sessions to be connected simultaneously. These can be from multiple configurations, or multiple connections using the same configuration.

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