Portrait and Landscape Settings
TinyTERM has several display options based on the device's orientation. The Portrait Settings and Landscape Settings, while almost identical in available options, are independent of each other.
Emulation Size
The emulation size is measured by the number of rows and columns displayed by default. This also determines the default font size. The lower these numbers are, the larger the font becomes. This is changed only temporarily if the display is zoomed in or out.
The Resize When Hidden switch determines whether or not the emulator window expands to fill the screen when the keyboard is hidden or transparent. If turned off, the emulator does not change size, whether when the keyboard is visible or not. It also allows the emulator to display different numbers of rows and columns with the keyboard hidden or transparent.
Several keyboard Layouts are available. Each is customized for best appearance and usability in either portrait or landscape mode. There is also a Standard iPad option for using the keyboard included with the iPad.
If the included keyboard layouts don't meet your needs, they can be modified by editing the keyboard file. New layouts can be added in the same way.
Keyboard Settings
The Main Layout determines the primary keyboard displayed. Several keyboard layouts are included, such as English, French, German and Spanish. Certain emulation-specific layouts are also available.
The Supplemental Layout is optional. In portrait mode, the supplemental layout displays on top of the main layout. In landscape mode, it displays at upper right of the screen.
The External Layout only displays when an external keyboard is attached to the iPad, whether by dock or Bluetooth. This provides on-screen function, arrow and other special keys not always included on hardware keyboards.
Keyboard Menu
Tapping the keyboard button in the TinyTERM title bar pulls down a keyboard menu. This allows the user to change the displayed keyboard on the fly, as well as other functions.
If an external keyboard is attached, turn on the Use External Layout switch to display the external layout chosen above. With this switch off, the main layout is displayed instead. When using Bluetooth devices that use the HID profile as a keyboard wedge, such as scanners, this setting prevents the onscreen keyboard from hiding.
The TRANSPARENCY settings only affect the supplemental layout in landscape mode. No other keyboard layout is affected.
With Transparent Keys turned on, the supplemental layout will be partially transparent, allowing the emulation to fill the entire screen and underlay the keyboards. The level of transparency is controlled by the Transparency slider.
To save the keyboard settings, tap the Done button at the top righ of the menu.
Scan Barcode and Remap Key are described in their own entries.