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 Home  >>  Documentation  >>  TinyTERM ITX 3270 for iPad  >>  Key Remapping

Key Remapping

TinyTERM ITX 3270 for iPad has the ability to remap any keyboard key with both a new label and value. To get started, touch the keyboard icon in the title bar, then select Remap Key from the menu.

Tap the Select Key button to bring up an image of the current main keyboard layout. You can tap the "Shift" or "Fn" button to select a key from one of those layouts as well. Selecting a key returns you to the Remap Key dialog with that key loaded.

Here both the Key Label and Key Value may be changed. The Key Value uses text strings, along with the same \ values used in creating keyboard layouts.

The Key Label accepts keyboard input, so long strings like "Login Screen" can be entered. It also accepts four-digit hexadecimal codes, in this case UTF-8 character codes. This allows the use of graphics on the keys. Those already used by TinyTERM ITX 3270 include:

 Character   UTF-8 Value 
¬ \x00AC

Remapping a key in any layout affects the key across all keyboard layouts. This includes main, supplemental and external keyboard layouts.

Should you ever need to remove a key remapping, select the key as above to remap it. Then tap the Delete Key Assignment button to reset the key to its default value.

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