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 Home  >>  Documentation  >>  TinyTERM ITX 3270 for iPad  >>  Portrait and Landscape Settings

Portrait and Landscape Settings

TinyTERM has several display options based on the iPad's rotation. The Portrait Settings and Landscape Settings, while almost identical in available options, are independent of each other.

The Main Layout selects among 3270 terminal-style or PC-style keyboard layouts. Each is customized for best appearance and usability in either portrait or landscape mode. There is also a Standard iPad option for using the keyboard included with the iPad.

The Supplemental Layout is a secondary keyboard that displays alongside the Main Layout. It provides 3270-specific keys that the standard iPad layout does not, though it can be used with any layout.

When using an external keyboard via dock or Bluetooth, the External Layout also provides 3270-specific keys, such as PF keys, Clear, Attn and others. It will not display if no external keyboard is connected.

If the included keyboard layouts don't meet your needs, they can be modified. Additional layouts may also be added by editing the keyboard file.

The Resize When Hidden switch determines whether or not the emulator window expands to fill the screen when the keyboard is not visible. If turned off, the emulator does not change size, whether when the keyboard is visible or not.

Transparent Keys can be turned on or off. When on, the Transparency slider is used to determine how opaque the keyboard is. The farther to the right the slider is set, the more transparent the keyboard becomes.

This is at its best when the Resize When Hidden switch is off. It allows a transparent keyboard to overlay the emulator display, so that both the keyboard and the current session use the full screen.

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