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Keyboard Reference

All lines in the .ttkeyboard file must end in a line feed (LF, ASCII 10) or a CR/LF pair.

General Settings

  Setting   Description
-spacing Minimum number of pixels between keys
-spacing 2
-margin Minimum number of pixels on each edge of the keyboard
-margin 3
-fontSize Maximum font size in points of key labels
-fontSize 30
-keyHeight Relative height of keys compared to default value of 1
-keyHeight 1.4
# Comment line
# Default keyboard
+ Name keyboard layout and begin section. Also ends previous keyboard layout if one is present. A period in the name; e.g. English (STD 437).shift, prevents the layout name from being displayed in TinyTERM
+QWERTY (portrait)

Key Options

When a key is defined by more than a single character, these options may be added to the definition, separated by two semicolons. When a single semicolon is desired inside the brackets, separate it from the others by a space:

[; ;;shiftLabel=:]

Options are all case-sensitive.

  Option   Description
\ Escape character. Used for special characters that have other uses without the \.
blank When set to 1, prevents the key from being drawn. Used for creating space between visible keys.
capsKey When set to 1, causes the key to act as the Caps Lock key, regardless of other settings.
ctrlKey When set to 1, causes the key to act as the Ctrl key, regardless of other settings.
hideKey When set to 1, causes the key to hide the keyboard when tapped. Also replaces any text with a keyboard graphic. The keyboard can be restored by tapping the keyboard icon in the title bar.
keyChar Assigns a specific value to a key. Available values are listed below.
keyString Assigns a multi-character string to a key. This allows you to create custom key mappings with multi-byte sequences on a single keystroke.
shiftLabel Displays the character as secondary on the keyboard key. Used to show what character will be typed when a shiftTo key is held. There is no way to display more than two such characters on a key.
shiftLock Selects a keyboard layout to display. The selected layout will replace the current layout.
[Fn;;shiftLock=IBM3151 (STD 437).function]
shiftTo Selects a keyboard layout to display while key is held. The selected layout will replace the current layout until the key is released.
[AltGr;;shiftTo=Deutsch (ISO 8859-1).altgr]
size Changes the width of the key, relative to the default size of 1. Actual key size is determined automatically by the number of keys, and the general settings. It cannot be set as an absolute value.
[Shift;;shiftTo=English (STD 437).shift;;size=1.5]

Special Characters

The following characters are created with the escape character \.

  Character   Value   Character   Value
\b backspace (hex 08) \v vertical tab (hex 0b)
\e escape (hex 1b) \\ backslash (hex 5c)
\f form feed (hex 0c) \[ left square bracket (hex 5b)
\n line feed (hex 0a) \] right square bracket (hex 5d)
\r carriage return (hex 0d) \x UTF-8 hexadecimal number; e.g., \x001b for escape
\t horizontal tab (hex 09) \0 octal constant; e.g., \024 for Ctrl-T

Special characters may be used in combination with the keyString option to create complex sequences:


keyChar Values

The following values may be assigned to keys, using the keyChar option. Values not listed have been reserved, and are not available.

  Value   Keyboard Key   Value   Keyboard Key
0-255 Equivalent ASCII character1 307 Ctrl-Page Down
256-275 Function keys F1-F20 308 Ctrl-⌫
276 Up ↑ 309 Ctrl-Enter
277 Down ↓ 310 Ctrl-Esc
278 Right → 311 Ctrl-Keypad -
279 Left ← 312 Ctrl-Keypad +
280 Home 313 Ctrl-Keypad *
281-290 Numeric Keypad 0-9 314 Keypad *
291 Keypad - 315 Keypad +
292 Keypad , 316 Keypad /
293 Keypad . 317 Num Lock
294 Keypad Enter 318 Scroll Lock
295 Page Down 319
296 Page Up 320 Ctrl-↑
297 Ctrl-Home 321 Ctrl-↓
298 End 322 Ctrl-Insert
299 Ctrl-End 323 Ctrl-Delete
300 Insert 326 Ctrl-Tab
301 Delete 327 Ctrl-Keypad /
302 Ctrl-→ 328 Ctrl-Keypad Enter
303 Ctrl-← 329-348 Shift-F1 to Shift-F20
304 Print Screen 349-368 Ctrl-F1 to Ctrl-F202
305 Shift-Tab 369-388 Alt-F1 to Alt-F20
306 Ctrl-Page Up 389-408 Ctrl-Shift-F1 to Ctrl-Shift-F20

1ASCII values are interpreted through the currently selected code page.

2Ctrl-F5 (key value 353) is also used for the VT220/VT320 Help key. Ctrl-F6 (key value 354) is also used for the VT220/VT320 Do key.

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