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TinyTERM ITX 3270 for iPhone Screenshots

TinyTERM ITX 3270 for iPhone provides secure SSL and telnet wireless access to IBM hosts via exact TN3270 terminal emulation. It supports software and Linea-Pro barcode scanning, onscreen keyboard remapping, macro recording and automation capabilities including auto-login, auto-connect, reconnect and one-touch startup.

With the full keyboard displayed, the screen can be scrolled with a single finger swipe. It can also be zoomed in or out for maximum legibility. Turning the keyboard transparent causes the emulator to fill the full screen beneath the keys. The amount of transparency is fully user-controllable, from completely solid to invisible.
All PF and other function and special keys are available. By turning off the title bar and the keyboard, the maximum available space is used for the emulation.

An optional top-row bar holds commonly used special keys, as well as all PF keys. By tapping the buttons at either end, the supplemental bar slides through its available keys. The slider can also be turned off to provide extra screen space.
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