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June 2020 Windows 10 Update not Compatible with TinyTERM 4.9.0
June 11th, 2020

Windows 10 receives regular updates from Micrsoft. The update released in June 2020 causes TinyTERM version 4.9.0 to stop working, instead giving the message, Error (1805) Could Not Locate System Script Language Module. The only way to fix this is to roll back the update.

iOS 11 Compatibility
October 16th, 2017

TinyTERM Enterprise for iOS versions 3.1.8 and higher are fully compatible with iOS 11. Older products are not supported on iOS 11.

Connection Failed (962) – Unsupported cipher type
September 14th, 2017

The update to OpenSSH 6.7 disabled a number of cipher types by default, as seen here:

TinyTERM was updated to include the newer, more secure ciphers. Those software versions include:

TinyTERM Plus for Windows version 4.10.0
TinyTERM Lite/Plus/Enterprise for iOS version 3.0.0
TinyTERM Lite/Plus/Enterprise for Android version 1.2.8
TinyTERM for Mac version 2.1.0

If your version of TinyTERM is older than the versions listed above, please visit our online store for upgrade information, or contact our Sales department at +1 801-268-3088 option 2.

Blank Screen After Windows 10 Creator Update
August 14th, 2017

On some systems, upgrading to Windows 10 Creators Update (version 1703) causes TinyTERM to come up to a blank screen, with no font display. It apparently connects and runs normally, but no text can be seen. This can affect applications other than TinyTERM as well.

When this happens, a registry change can fix this. You can download the registry edit file here. Or if you prefer to create the file yourself, create a text document with the .reg extension; e.g., FontFix.reg. Enter the following contents:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\GRE_Initialize]

Either way, save the file to the affected PC. Close all running Windows applications, then double-click the file to execute it and make the change.

Once the registry edit finishes, reboot the PC. This step is crucial; otherwise, the fix will not be permanent. After the reboot, font display in TinyTERM will return to normal.

iOS 10 Compatibility
September 15th, 2016

All current TinyTERM for iOS products are supported on iOS 10: TinyTERM Enterprise, TinyTERM Plus, ViewML Industrial Browser and TinyTERM Lite. All TinyTERM products must be version 3.1.2 (released March 2016) or newer. Older products are not supported on iOS 10.

iOS 9 Compatibility
January 5th, 2016

All current TinyTERM for iOS products are supported on iOS 9: TinyTERM Enterprise, TinyTERM Plus, ViewML Industrial Browser and TinyTERM Lite. All TinyTERM products must be version 3.1.0 (released September 2015) or newer. Older products are not supported on iOS 9.

iOS 8 Compatibility
September 19th, 2014

iOS 8 introduced a number of new features to iPads, iPhones and iPod Touches. We have updated our TinyTERM for iOS product line to match.

New Product

TinyTERM Plus for iOS

TinyTERM Plus for iOS is a universal binary that runs equally well on iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. It is fully iOS 8-compatible and replaces our discontinued products. TinyTERM Plus includes support for all our exact terminal emulations – VT420, SCO ANSI, Wyse, IBM 3270 and IBM 5250 and more – and is available directly from Century Software.

Upgraded Products

TinyTERM Lite version 2.1.1

TinyTERM Lite for iOS is a fully iOS 8-compatible universal binary with support for all our exact terminal emulations: VT420, SCO ANSI, Wyse, IBM 3270 and IBM 5250 and more. Previous versions of TinyTERM Lite are not compatible with iOS 8. It is available free from the iOS App Store.

TinyTERM Enterprise version 2.1.1

TinyTERM Enterprise includes all the features of TinyTERM Plus, and adds in a scanner-enabled Industrial Browser and configuration lockdown. Previous versions of TinyTERM Enterprise are not iOS 8-compatible. It is available from the iOS App Store, via volume purchase through the B2B store, or direct from Century Software.

Discontinued Products

Our previous TinyTERM ITX series will be end-of-lifed on September 12, 2014, as they are not iOS 8-compatible. They will continue to run on iOS versions 5 through 7, but they will no longer be developed. We recommend you back up your iOS device if you wish to retain these versions:

TinyTERM ITX 2  for iPad   for iPhone
TinyTERM Pro  for iPad   for iPhone
TinyTERM ITX 5250  for iPad   for iPhone
TinyTERM ITX 3270  for iPad   for iPhone
TinyTERM ITX  for iPad   for iPhone


Distribution on iOS 7.1
March 21st, 2014

TinyTERM Enterprise for iOS can be installed via HTTP, among other methods. On iOS 7.1, this now requires that the manifest.plist file be served via HTTPS. Prior versions of iOS allowed this to be served via HTTP. More information is available at

Command-Line Option -a1 Fails with OLE Active
December 13th, 2013

The -a1 command line switch starts TinyTERM and connects it to a specific address. It operates in part by launching TinyTERM to create a temporary connection file, then closing that instance of TinyTERM and launching a second instance to connect using the file created.

This feature was designed to be used with OLE embedding inside Internet Explorer, which would take the place of the connecting instance of TinyTERM. When used at the command line, this can cause the -a1 argument to fail with the message:

Error (4507)

Wrong number of arguments passed to function CreateTAP

When this happens, the following steps will fix the problem:

  1. Open TinyTERM by itself, no command-line arguments
  2. From the Options menu, select Global Preferences
  3. Go to the OLE Settings tab
  4. Select the option Display as stand alone helper application
  5. Click Apply, then OK
  6. Save the settings and exit TinyTERM

After this, launching TinyTERM with the -a1 option will work as desired.

iOS 7 Compatibility
September 20th, 2013

iOS 7 introduced a number of changes. This causes TinyTERM ITX products — TinyTERM Enterprise, TinyTERM Pro, TinyTERM ITX 2, TinyTERM ITX 3270 and TinyTERM ITX 5250 — to behave differently than under prior iOS versions. In addition to cosmetic issues stemming from the look-and-feel changes in iOS 7, the following issues have been identified:

  • The title bar at the top of the screen overlaps the status bar.
  • The content window, emulator or browser, is 20 pixels too short.
  • The top iPhone configuration color selector displays behind the title bar.
  • Enabling certain Debug Settings can cause an application exception.
  • Username and password popups don’t accept input, requiring that these items be saved in the configuration.
  • The Connect button fails after changing the printer settings from within the configuration.
  • Bluetooth devices such as keyboards and scanners drop characters.
  • With Hide Title Bar turned on, the “show titlebar” arrow overlaps the status bar.
  • Print alignment is incorrect in some jobs.

Note that development on TinyTERM for iPad v1.2.5 and TinyTERM ITX for iPhone v1.0.2 ended in June 2012. These products will not be updated for iOS 7 compatibility.

Content window (emulator or browser) is 20 pixels too short
Update draw code for title bar buttons
Fix iPhone config color selector
Fix debug settings exception
Username and password popups don’t accept input in iOS 7
Connect button fails in iOS 7 after changing Printer Settings
Bluetooth scanners drop characters on iOS 7
With Hide Title Bar turned on, our “show titlebar” arrow overlaps the status bar
Print alignment incorrectNote that development on TinyTERM 1.2.5 for iPad and TinyTERM 1.0.2 for iPhone ended in 2012. These issues will not be resolved for those two products.


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