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Archive for the 'Install' Category

TinyTERM 4.12 Installs as an Evaluation

Wednesday, March 14th, 2007

When installed with a valid license, TinyTERM 4.12 still expires after 30 days as an evaluation. There is no workaround for this issue. Using a different version of TinyTERM is the only solution.

This does not affect any other version 4.12 product: TinyTERM Plus, TinyTERM Thin Client or TinyTERM Web Server.

CR 164

Setup.exe Gives an Error That Says to Run Setup.exe

Wednesday, March 14th, 2007

Some versions of TinyTERM install from a setup.exe program. If you run that program and get an error that says you need to run setup.exe, then there’s actually a different install needed. Close the error and look for the file install.bat instead. That calls setup.exe with the required command-line parameters.

Install from CD or Network Drive Fails

Wednesday, March 14th, 2007

If you get errors when installing TinyTERM from CD or from a network share, copy the install directory to your local hard drive instead. Run the install from that copy.

If that still fails, boot the PC in safe mode. As long as the version of TinyTERM you have is supported on your version of Windows, the local install copy will run in safe mode.

Do Not Uninstall TinyTERM or TERM Professional 3.3

Monday, March 12th, 2007

Do not use the Windows Add/Remove Programs utility to uninstall version 3.3. It can erase your hard drive! Follow the manual uninstall instructions instead.

Actually, version 3.3 dated August 1999 or later can use Add/Remove Programs without a problem. So can the April 1997 release. But automatically uninstalling versions in between those can be disastrous.

TinyTERM Updates DLLs on Every Restart

Tuesday, March 6th, 2007

When installing a new version of TinyTERM over an older version, you will generally need to restart Windows when the install is done. Sometimes this will give a message that TinyTERM is updating DLLs, and ask you to restart the PC again. This loop doesn’t end if you keep clicking OK.

To bypass the error, cancel out of it. Uninstall all versions of TinyTERM through Add/Remove Programs, then delete the C:\Program Files\Century folder. Also delete any copies of CenLic32.dll that may be left in other folders such as C:\Windows\System32.

You will also find in Start | Programs | Startup a “Century Repair” or “Cenrep” icon. Delete that, then restart the PC. You will be able to install the new version of TinyTERM after that.

VCFSD Errors after Installing TinyTERM

Wednesday, February 28th, 2007

Some versions of TinyTERM Plus will cause VCFSD errors after install. This is caused by the NFS client.

When this happens, uninstall TinyTERM Plus and NetUtils. Delete the C:\Program Files\Century directory, then reboot the PC.

Once that’s done, you can reinstall TinyTERM Plus. Don’t install the NFS component of the Network Utilities, and you won’t see the error again.

Failed to create CLSID_tConnectionManager

Tuesday, February 27th, 2007

This error happens most often with TinyTERM 4.0x versions. It indicates a damaged install of either TinyTERM or Windows 95. There are two possible fixes.

  1. On Windows 95, the Winsock2 update is missing. You can download that patch here. Save it to a temporary directory on your PC, then run it. Reboot when the patch install finishes.
  2. If you have TinyTERM 4.04 or 4.05, the product itself needs to be patched. There are separate patches for TinyTERM 4.04 and TinyTERM 4.05. To use the patch, unzip it to a temporary directory. It will create new copies of the tt.exe and cencom.dll file. Locate the current copies of those files on your PC in C:\Program Files\Century\TinyTERM. Rename the originals as backups, then copy the new files into that same directory.Next, open a command prompt in Windows. Change directory at the prompt to C:\Program Files\Century\TinyTERM, then run the command

    regsvr32 cencom.dll

    Exit the command prompt and reboot your PC to finish installing the patch.

If you have a newer version of TinyTERM, the error indicates file corruption. To fix that, uninstall TinyTERM. Delete the Century directory from C:\Program Files. Then reboot the PC and reinstall TinyTERM.

dlgplus.res Error on Start

Friday, February 23rd, 2007

The error might also reference dlgwsus.res, dlgplbr.res, or a similar file. It’s the name of a missing file. There are backup copies installed normally.

Go to the folder C:\Program Files\Century\TinyTERM and look for the files named “*.res”. You’ll see one or more of the following:


Just copy the existing file and rename it to match the missing file. For example, if the error showed that dlgplus.res is missing, copy dlgwsus.res and rename the copy as dlgplus.res.

Blank Screen After Installing TinyTERM

Friday, February 23rd, 2007

When you start TinyTERM right after install, the screen can be completely blank. This most often happens when an earlier version of TinyTERM was installed on the PC, but not completely uninstalled. The existing fonts interfere with the install of the new fonts, causing the display problem. Restarting the PC will fix it.

CR 312

This Serial Number and Activation Key Have Already Been Used

Thursday, February 22nd, 2007

That error means the TinyTERM license has already been entered into your PC’s registry. But if TinyTERM won’t start, there’s an error reading it back out.

The first thing to check is the license it’s reading. Right-click the shortcut you use to start TinyTERM. Select Properties from the pop-up menu.

On the Shortcut tab of the Properties, check the Target line. It will read something like this:

“C:\Program Files\Century\TinyTERM\tt.exe” -P52 default

The -P52 argument needs to match the first three characters of your serial number. For example, if you licensed TinyTERM with the serial number E43219876EM, you should have -E43 there.

If that argument does match, you’ll need to remove the TinyTERM license, then add it again through License Manager. If you are using Windows NT, 2000, XP or Vista, you’ll need to login as a local PC administrator first.

  1. Click on Start | Run.
  2. In the Run dialog, type:


    then click OK. The Registry Editor will open.

  3. In the Registry Editor, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Century Software.
  4. You’ll see a License1 key. You may also see License2, License3, etc., up to a maximum License9. Delete all License# keys one at a time, but don’t delete anything else.
  5. When all the License# keys have been deleted, close the Registry Editor.
  6. Run TinyTERM’s License Manager to re-enter your serial number and activation key.

If you go through these steps, you may still see the message, “This product is not licensed.” However, License Manager may then say the license has already been used. There are two possible reasons for this.

  • You have more than one copy of the license file CenLic32.dll on the PC. Search the C: drive for that file name. For each copy that comes up, right-click on it and select Properties. Check the version number. If it does not match the version of TinyTERM you have installed, delete it. When all incorrect versions of the file are gone, the error will be as well.
  • You are running Windows NT, 2000 or XP with a language requiring Unicode installed. This includes languages such as Chinese, Japanese and Korean, but other languages can cause this as well. This will not happen in TinyTERM version 4.33 or higher. The license code was rewritten in those versions to support Unicode.

For TinyTERM version 4.30 or 4.31, there is a patch. To use it, locate the existing CenLic32.dll file and rename it as a backup. Copy the patch into C:\Windows\System32 and rename it CenLic32.dll. Then go through steps 1-6 above.

There is no patch or other solution for versions prior to 4.30. A newer version of TinyTERM is required.

CR 142, Unicode licensing
CR 288, This serial number and activation key have already been used

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