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Archive for the 'Terminal Emulation' Category

Changing the Font

Friday, April 13th, 2007

To change the font TinyTERM uses, go to the Edit menu and select Session Properties. From there, click on the Fonts tab. The Add Font button will allow you to add a new font.

For terminal emulators, a monospaced font is the best choice. Courier New and Lucida Console are both good choices and available on most Windows systems.

Once you’ve chosen a font and added it to the TinyTERM font list, click on the name to highlight it, then click the Up button on the Fonts tab until it’s at the top of the list. TinyTERM uses a font cascade, which means it checks the fonts in the order listed when drawing the screen.

You may find that lines and boxes draw with unusual characters after this. The default Term font used by TinyTERM has line draw characters in specific reference locations. Other fonts don’t always share these.

You can change the display by going to the Attributes tab of Session Properties and checking the Use Non-Font Based line draw characters box. That will use graphics to draw lines instead of characters.

The TN3270 and TN5250 emulations only use one font. To change that font, open the Session Properties and go to the Fonts tab. Click the Edit font button to select a new font. A monospaced font is still the best choice.

Error 965 Error in Host Key

Friday, April 13th, 2007

There are two main causes for this error. The first is an error in the fingerprint.

To remove the fingerprint in Windows, open the Registry Editor and go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Century Software\HostKeys. Delete all the entries inside that folder, but leave the folder itself there, then close the Registry Editor. The next time you start TinyTERM and connect to that host, it will ask if the fingerprint is correct. Click Yes and continue.

To remove the fingerprint in UNIX, go to the user’s home directory and enter the command:

cd .ssh

In that directory you’ll find a known_hosts file. Rename that and attempt the connection again.

If that does not clear the problem up, the host is probably configured to accept RSA key authentication, but TinyTERM or TERM is using a username and password instead. To disable RSA on the host, go to its /etc/ssh directory and edit the sshd_config file. Look for the following two lines:

RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes

Change “yes” to “no” on each line. The lines may also be commented out with the # character. If so, remove it from the beginning of the line when making the change. Restart the SSH daemon after making the change.

CR 662
CR 802, request for option to continue on failed host key

Map Script to Key

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

You can map TERM Script Language commands to a key in any version of TERM. Simply use the SETKEY command. For example, to map the command XMIT “This is a test” to Ctrl-F8, the command is:

setkey cf8 “@@xmit “This is a test””

To map multiple commands to a single key, put them all in a script file. You can then map that file to a key with the DO command. For example, to map the script myscript.cmd to the F5 function key, the command is:

setkey f5 “@@do myscript.cmd”

CScript handles this through the keyboard mapper instead. To map one or more script commands to a key, change the Action field to COMMAND, then enter the commands in one long string. For example:

te.cls();te.displaynl(“Hello World!”);

If you need to map a script to a key, use the CompileFile() command:


You can also view this information in a screencast by clicking here.

DSL and Cable Modems

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

TinyTERM is compatible with DSL and cable modems; however, they are very different from traditional analog modems. DSL and cable modems provide a direct connection to the Internet over existing cable or phone lines. They do not have the ability to dial a phone number.

In other words, you cannot use the Modem connection type within TERM or TinyTERM to dial a DSL or cable modem. You can only use the connection types that run over TCP/IP, such as SSH, Telnet, and Rlogin. If your connection requires that you dial a phone number to connect to your server, then you must have a traditional analog modem installed on your computer.

Bright White Background

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

If you set the background color to WHITE, it comes out grey. The TinyTERM background colors (BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, CYAN, RED, MAGENTA, BROWN and WHITE) are the “darker” versions of the colors. The bright colors are reserved for the foreground.

You can make the background bright white in TinyTERM version 4.02 or higher using the CScript scripting language. No other Century Software, Inc., product allows this.

To write the script, go to TinyTERM’s Tools menu and select Script Editor. The command:


will make the WHITE background color bright white. You can change any of TinyTERM’s 16 colors the same way.

To set the colors to change automatically when you start TinyTERM, save the script you created using the Script Editor’s Save button. Once you’ve saved the script, go to TinyTERM’s Edit menu and select Session Properties. Click the radio button by “Post session start,” then click the Browse button below that. Select the script you created and click OK. Click OK again to close the Session Properties, then save the settings. The next time you open that session, your color settings will load automatically. You will need to do this for each session separately.

In TinyTERM version 4.9.0 or higher, you can instead edit the .tpx file in use, using any text editor. Locate the line:


Change it to read:


This is the hexadecimal value for bright white in the RGB color map. Other colors may be set the same way. You can use to get RGB color values if desired.

Programming the Mouse

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

TinyTERM version 4.x has the capability to program the mouse buttons for a number of functions. The most popular are copying and pasting text. TinyTERM 4.30 and higher have a right-click menu for those functions, but it can also be programmed in earlier versions.

To set this up, open the Edit menu and select Session Properties. Go to the Mouse tab. For the button you want to program (left, middle or right), change the option to “Send custom string.”

To copy text, enter the custom string:


and click OK. You will need to select text before you can copy it. The left mouse button selects text by default.

To select text, drag the cursor over it. When you click to copy, the cursor must be in the TinyTERM window, but it does not have to be on the selected text. The selected text will be copied to the Windows clipboard, then the selection will be canceled.

To paste text, enter the custom string:


and click OK. Clicking the programmed mouse button anywhere in the TinyTERM window will then paste the current text from the Windows clipboard to the current cursor position. It will not paste the text anywhere you click, but only at the host’s current cursor location.

You can combine these two in a single line to copy selected text, then immediately paste it. The custom string for that is simply:


The mouse buttons can be programmed for a number of additional functions. For a full list, see the TinyTERM Help file.


Thursday, April 12th, 2007

You can identify which PC a user logs in from through the WRU answer back feature. How you access it depends on your version of TinyTERM or TERM:

  • TERM for DOS or UNIX
    Use the WRU and WRUCHAR script commands.
  • TERM (any version) or TinyTERM (up to version 3.3) for Windows
    Go to the Configure menu and select Emulation. Click the Advanced button.
  • TinyTERM 4.x for Windows
    Go to the Edit menu and select Session Properties. On the Session tab, click the Setup button next to the terminal emulation type.

There are actually two WRU settings. When the emulation receives the character determined by the ASCII value in the “WRU Inquire character” field, or set with the WRUCHAR script command, it sends the “WRU Answer Back” or WRU string to the host. The default inquire character value is 5, which corresponds to Ctrl-E. So when TERM or TinyTERM receives Ctrl-E from the host, it sends the answer string.

To identify PCs through the WRU settings, assign a unique string to each PC. Enter that string in the “WRU Answer Back” field or as the WRU string. Once that’s been saved, your UNIX host must send the WRU inquire character and wait for the response. The answer back string can be used by UNIX for any purpose you need.

If you need to disable WRU entirely, change the WRU inquire character to -1. ASCII numbers range from 0 to 255, so a value of -1 can never be received from the host. Thus, WRU is ignored.

Macro Recorder

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

If you need to repeat the same keyboard actions repeatedly in TinyTERM 4.x, the CScript scripting language can do it. In TinyTERM 4.30 and higher, you can do this automatically through the Macro Recorder.

This tool copies the keys you type in, watches for responses from the host system, and records it all to a CScript file. To use the Macro Recorder:

  1. On the Tools menu, click Macro Recorder.
  2. In the list box, type a name for the macro. If you accept the default name, the ## signs will be replaced by numbers; e.g., KeyMac00.cs. Every new macro will be assigned a new number, one higher than the last macro created.
  3. Click the Record button to begin recording.
  4. Type the commands and other keystrokes you wish to record. You must hit Enter at least once, or the macro will not be recorded.
  5. Click the Pause button to temporarily halt recording and to start recording again later.
  6. Click the Stop button to end recording and write the macro file.

There are two ways to execute the resulting macro:

  1. Open the Macro Recorder. In the list box, type the name of the macro. Click the Play button.
  2. Click on Tools | Execute Script File. Select the macro from the list of scripts, then click the Open button.

If the macro isn’t doing quite what you expected, you can record a new macro or edit the existing one. To edit, go to the Tools menu and select Script Editor. Click the Open button to select your macro, then edit it as you need to.

You can also view a screencast that demonstrates this process. For more information on script commands, see the TinyTERM Programmers Reference Manual. You can also contact our Support department for help writing and debugging macros and other CScript files.

CR 130, added in TinyTERM 4.30
CR 724, not enabled in TN3270 or TN5250
CR 800, must hit Enter

Port Forwarding

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

Port forwarding, or tunneling, is a way to forward normally non-secure TCP/IP traffic through an SSH connection. You would normally need it any time you have traffic over a public network, such as the Internet, that you don’t want anyone to snoop on. More information is available elsewhere on our website.

To set it up in TinyTERM version 4.3 or higher, do the following:

  1. Open a new session in TinyTERM.
  2. Click on the Edit menu and select Session Properties.
  3. Change the connection type to SSH and click the Apply button.
  4. Click on the Port Forwarding tab.
  5. Enter a name for the connection.
  6. Choose whether to forward a local TCP/IP port to a remote host (Local to remote forwarding), or forward a remote port to the local PC (Remote to local forwarding).
  7. Enter the local port that will forward or receive forwarding.
  8. If the SSH server is not the remote system, check the “Remote host is different machine from SSH server machine” box and enter the hostname or IP address of the SSH server.
  9. Enter the TCP/IP port for the remote host.
  10. Enter the name of the local PC application to run, or click the Browse button to select one. Enter any command-line parameters for the local PC application.
  11. Click the Add button to add the connection to the list.

The next time you open this TinyTERM session, the port forwarding you set up will be active. Sample application setups are available here.

CR 385, added in TinyTERM Plus 4.30

What Is SSH?

Thursday, April 12th, 2007

SSH (Secure SHell) is a replacement for telnet and rlogin. It encrypts all data transmissions between the terminal and the host, rather than sending them in plain text.

When connecting to a host over the Internet, the data transmissions are available to anyone with the technical knowhow to tap into them. Telnet and rlogin send data in plain text, so they can easily be read. This could compromise proprietary or confidential information.

With SSH, the data transmissions are encrypted. Even if someone manages to hack into your connection, the information is in a format readable only by your PC and the remote host. This helps protect your valuable information from unauthorized access.

TinyTERM Plus, TinyTERM Thin Client and TinyTERM Web Server all include SSH from versions 4.10 on. (TinyTERM Thin Client was combined with TinyTERM Plus in version 4.40.) TERM for UNIX version 6.28 also includes SSH.

You will also need an SSH daemon on your host computer. You can download this program from at no cost.

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