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Archive for the 'Web Server' Category

Multiple Copies of One .tpx in Browser

Thursday, April 26th, 2007

You can only open one copy of a given .tpx inside a web browser. To open multiple connections to a single host, you must open a different .tpx file for each connection. You cannot work around this by opening two browser windows, or two tabs in a single browser. You must open all .tpx files in a single browser window.

In addition, each .tpx file must have its own session name. To change that, go to TinyTERM’s File menu and select File Properties. The Session name is the first field listed.

CR 259, multiple .tpx files in a browser
CR 359, multiple browsers

dlgplus.res Error From Web Server Client

Monday, April 23rd, 2007

Install TinyTERM Web Server Client version 4.42 or 4.50 on the PC. Start the TinyTERM Emulator. You’ll get a license error.

Select 30-day Eval and choose TinyTERM Web Server. You’ll get an error popup with just “dlgplus.res” in it.

Copy C:\Program Files\Century\TinyTERM\dlgwcus.res to that file name. The next time you start TinyTERM Emulator you’ll get either a “Get Property CS86” or “ID” error, depending on whether you started tt.exe or clicked a .tpx link on a web page.

CR 725, fixed in TinyTERM Web Server Client 4.43
CR 767

TinyTERM Web Server Client Won’t Connect After Fingerprint

Friday, April 20th, 2007

Set up an SSH connection on a Web server, then click the link from a PC using TinyTERM Web Server Client. The fingerprint dialog may or may not come up. That appears to be OS-dependent. Either way, it never completes the connection.

It does write the fingerprint to the registry, though. You can make the connection happen after a failure by editing the registry. In HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Century Software\HostKeys, rename “last_key” to the hostname or IP address of the target system.

CR 450, fixed in TinyTERM Web Server Client 4.31

Netscape Plugin

Friday, April 20th, 2007

The Netscape Plugin, allowing TinyTERM to run inside Netscape as well as Internet Explorer, was added in TinyTERM 4.10.

CR 35

Default.tpx Opened When URL Clicked

Friday, April 20th, 2007

If TinyTERM is configured to run as a standalone helper application, it always uses the information in default.tpx, even if the URL clicked points to a different .tpx file. Run inside the browser, this works properly. This was fixed in TinyTERM 4.30.

CR 326

TinyTERM Web Server Shows as Web Server Client

Thursday, April 19th, 2007

In TinyTERM Web Server Edition, go to the Help menu and select About. It will show as “TinyTERM Web Server Client.” This is purely cosmetic. It was fixed in TinyTERM Web Server 4.20.

CR 198

TinyTERM Thin Client License Failure

Thursday, April 19th, 2007

Some versions of TinyTERM Thin Client give the error, “Serial number does not match activation key” on install. This also happens with TinyTERM Web Server and TinyTERM Web Server Client in the same releases. It’s fixed in version 4.20.

CR 169, TinyTERM Thin Client
CR 571, TinyTERM Web Server

Hide Ribbon Bar in Browser

Monday, April 16th, 2007

When you start TinyTERM in a browser, you may want to hide the Ribbon Bar to increase the available screen space. To prevent the Ribbon Bar from displaying, do the following:

  1. Open TinyTERM outside the browser.
  2. From the Edit menu, select Preferences.
  3. Go to the OLE Settings tab.
  4. Remove the check from Display ribbon bar.

If you want even more available screen space, you can also disable the Session Bar in the same dialog.

Setting Up TinyTERM Web Server

Monday, April 16th, 2007

In contrast to other Century Software, Inc., products, TinyTERM Web Server requires several additional steps after it’s installed.

First, you’ll install TinyTERM Web Server on an administrator’s PC (the “administrator copy”). This is a full copy of the TinyTERM Emulator, licensed for install on a single PC only. It allows you to create and modify .tpx connection files, as well as the .dat files used by TinyTERM. The administrator copy also includes a TinyTERM Web Server overview in the file C:\Program Files\Century\TinyTERM\ttws_admin\index.htm.

Once you have the administrator copy installed and your .tpx files created, you will need to upload them to the web server, together with some framing HTML code. A sample upload structure is available in the administrator copy as the directory C:\Program Files\Century\TinyTERM\ttwc.

You will also need to upload the TinyTERM Web Server Client install program. You’ll find that on your TinyTERM CD, in either the zipse or the downloadable directory, depending on the version you have. Each user must install the TinyTERM Web Server Client in order to access the .tpx files you’ve uploaded. It has no user interface and includes no default connection files, so it can only be used for Web-based connections. It includes both an ActiveX control for Internet Explorer and a Netscape plugin.

Once the end user has the TinyTERM Web Server Client installed, clicking a link to a .tpx file will offer the choice to open the file, or save it to disk. Select the option to open the file, and set the browser not to ask the question again for that file type. TinyTERM will open in the browser, using the connection parameters specified in the .tpx file.

Please note that TinyTERM Web Server does not change the look and feel of the host application. It’s still a character-based display.

Additional information is available in this screencast.

TinyTERM Causes Internet Explorer Errors

Wednesday, April 4th, 2007

Using TinyTERM on Windows 98 with Internet Explorer version 4, and a TinyTERM session as the home page, starting IE causes numerous errors and eventually locks up the PC. To get rid of these errors, do the following:

  1. Open Control Panel.
  2. Double-click the Internet icon.
  3. Reset the start or home page to default, or specify a URL.

You will now be able to launch Internet Explorer normally. You will have to launch TinyTERM separately after opening the browser.

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