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VT220 and VT320 Function Keys

Friday, April 6th, 2007

The VT220 and VT320 emulations have two different function key modes, 7-bit and 8-bit. TinyTERM version 4 defaults to 8-bit handling of the function keys. But many host applications will only accept 7-bit function keys.

The VT220-7 and VT320-7 emulations in TinyTERM are strictly 7-bit emulations. Function keys in those emulations send the sequences required by applications requesting 7-bit key sequences.

Complicating the matter, some host systems do not recognize VT220-7 or VT320-7 as valid terminal types. For those cases, set the telnet terminal type to “vt220” or “vt320” as appropriate.

Century Software, Inc., also provides a replacement keyboard.dat with 7-bit definitions for VT function keys. To use the file, download it to your C:\Program Files\Century\TinyTERM directory. In that same directory, locate the existing keyboard.dat and rename it as a backup. Then rename the downloaded file to keyboard.dat.

The next time you start TinyTERM, open the Session Properties and go to the Keyboard tab. In the “Keyboard schemes” drop-down a new scheme will be available: VT220. Select that, then OK and save the changes. The same scheme will work for both VT220 and VT320 emulations.

CR 40, arrow keys
CR 500

VT220-7 and VT320-7 Report Unknown Terminal Type

Friday, March 9th, 2007

Telnet and SSH servers can automatically detect the terminal type at connection. However, most systems don’t have separate definitions for VT220-7 or VT320-7 emulations. You can correct that with the Telnet terminal type option. Set it to VT220 or VT320 as appropriate, and the host system will recognize the emulation.

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