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Archive for the 'Connect' Category

Making TinyTERM the Helper Application for Telnet

Friday, March 16th, 2007

When you click on a telnet link in a browser, TinyTERM should open and make the connection. If another application opens, you can restore TinyTERM as the helper application with these steps:

  1. Open My Computer or Windows Explorer.
  2. From the Tools menu, select Folder Options.
  3. On the File Types tab, locate the “URL:Telnet Protocol” item in the N/A portion of the list and click it to highlight.
  4. Click the Advanced button.
  5. Click the word “open” in the list to highlight it, then click the Edit button.
  6. Under “Application used to perform action,” enter this string:

    “C:\Program Files\Century\TinyTERM\tt.exe” /helperapp:%1

  7. Click OK several times, until the Folder Options is closed.

Cannot Open Attachments from Outlook

Friday, March 16th, 2007

When TinyTERM 4.x is connected via modem, some email attachments won’t open from Microsoft Outlook. In particular, documents from Microsoft Office applications such as Word and Excel are affected. As soon as TinyTERM disconnects, the documents will open. This was fixed in TinyTERM 4.30.

CR 209

Converting old TinyTERM Configuration Files

Wednesday, March 14th, 2007

TinyTERM versions prior to 3.0 and TERM versions prior to 7.0 store connection information in files with the .con extension. TinyTERM 3 and TERM 7 use the .tap extension, and TinyTERM version 4 uses the .tpx extension. Century Software, Inc., provided utilities to convert between the various formats, so you don’t have to set the connections up all over again.

For updating .con files to .tap files, TinyTERM 3 and TERM 7 include a convtap.exe program. To use it, run it at a command prompt, using the name of the .con file as an argument. For example, to convert the file sample.con to sample.tap, the command would be:

convtap.exe sample.con

To convert a .tap file to a .tpx file, use the script TAPtoTPX.cs included in TinyTERM 4. (You can also download a copy.) See the file C:\Program Files\Century\TinyTERM\TAPtoTPX.wri for documentation of this script.

Both TinyTERM versions 3.x and 4.x store keyboard mappings in the file keyboard.dat. The format of the two files is nearly identical, in fact. The only difference is in the section heading. For example, a keyboard scheme named “My Keyboard” would be set apart in version 3 like so:

[My Keyboard.kbd]

In version 4, it would be set apart like so:

[My Keyboard.keyboard]

So to copy a keyboard scheme from version 3 to version 4, you can simply copy the entire section of keyboard.dat, changing .kbd to .keyboard in the process.

VT220-7 and VT320-7 Report Unknown Terminal Type

Friday, March 9th, 2007

Telnet and SSH servers can automatically detect the terminal type at connection. However, most systems don’t have separate definitions for VT220-7 or VT320-7 emulations. You can correct that with the Telnet terminal type option. Set it to VT220 or VT320 as appropriate, and the host system will recognize the emulation.

TCP/IP Error Reference

Wednesday, March 7th, 2007

A TCP/IP connection error usually includes a five-digit number that starts with 100 or 110; e.g., 10057. These errors always come from the operating system, not TERM or TinyTERM.

There is an excellent reference to the error numbers at Toward the bottom of the page is a list of all the errors in numeric order for quick reference. It’s an excellent way to troubleshoot TCP/IP socket errors.

Disconnect Goes to Wrong Session

Wednesday, March 7th, 2007

In TinyTERM 4.10 with multiple sessions open, you may see your active session close. This happens when you have “Close on disconnect and exit” set in one of the inactive sessions. But it only happens when the inactive session is disconnected remotely.

The host may have a timeout set. (See this entry for more details.) When the inactive session is timed out, it should close automatically. But due to a bug in TinyTERM 4.10, the active session gets closed instead. There is no patch to fix this. You must use a newer version of TinyTERM.

CR 101, fixed in TinyTERM 4.11.

Using a Cell Modem

Wednesday, March 7th, 2007

TERM and TinyTERM can use a cell modem, as long as the operating system recognizes it. There is only one change needed. In the modem’s configuration, set it up so that it dials without waiting for a dial tone. Otherwise the connection will fail.

10054 Connection Reset by Peer

Tuesday, March 6th, 2007

This error means that a system somewhere in the connection sent a reset signal, which will disconnect TinyTERM or TERM. Any system from the PC to the server — and any router, firewall or gateway in between — can generate this error.

To find the source of the problem, you will need to run a packet capture utility such as Ethereal. That will show you which system is sending the reset signal. With that information you can correct the error on that system.

“Connected=” Shows an Incorrect Connection Type

Tuesday, March 6th, 2007

This is a display bug in some versions of TinyTERM 4. There is no patch to fix it.

It does not affect functionality at all, though. You can ignore the display.

Disconnecting When Power Save Starts

Tuesday, March 6th, 2007

This is normal. When your PC enters power save or sleep mode, it shuts down power to most peripherals. If power is lost to the network card or modem, that will cause TERM or TinyTERM to disconnect. The solution is to adjust your computer’s power save settings.

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