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Archive for the 'TCP/IP' Category

Install Asks for IP Address

Monday, April 9th, 2007

Installing TinyTERM on Windows 3.1, it may ask for an IP address, even if you plan a serial connection. When this happens, click the Back button and deselect the network installation.

Error 502 Missing Network Driver

Monday, April 9th, 2007

Error 502 means that TinyTERM has no network driver selected. To select a network driver, do the following:

  1. Open the ICONect or .tap file.
  2. Go to the Configure menu and select Communications.
  3. Select Network Login for the port.
  4. Click the Network button and choose Generic Winsock as the network type.

Cannot Find Syslog.DLL

Monday, April 9th, 2007

TinyTERM Plus or TERM Professional 3.3 installed in Windows 3.x. After the install, when Windows starts you may get two errors:

Cannot find syslog.dll
Cannot find file winsock.dll

Both of these files should be in the C:\Windows and C:\Windows\System directories. Copy them from their current location to both directories.

To get the winsock.dll file, you may need uninstall and reinstall TinyTERM. When you get to the screen that allows you to select which components you want to install, select the Century TCP/IP. You may be asked about installing a secondary network. This is what you want to select.

Before you start the install check your System.ini file. Search or Find the word “network” and take note of what is there. You will want to put these settings back in after the install if they change in any way.

Mar_Com and Mar_TCP Errors from Modem Connection

Monday, April 9th, 2007

If TinyTERM gives errors when trying to use the dialer or on boot, it usually means the PC does not have networking installed. To fix the errors, uninstall TinyTERM and reboot the PC. When you reinstall TinyTERM, uncheck Network Utilities and any other network option.

Error Creating Socket

Monday, April 9th, 2007

This error means that either TCP/IP is not installed, or there is a problem with the Winsock.dll file. It may be corrupted, or missing.

You may also have too many Winsock.dll files on the PC. This occurs when TCP/IP has been reinstalled multiple times. Remove it entirely in this case, then delete all copies of Winsock.dll. Restart Windows and reinstall TCP/IP at that point.

Bind Error 10049

Friday, April 6th, 2007

Running TinyTERM on Windows 3.1, you may get a bind error 10049 when telnetting to a host. This usually happens when you have more than one TCP stack, such as Novell Client 32, running at the same time. In this case, do not use the TCP/IP stack that Century provides. Use the one installed before TinyTERM instead.

Connection Fails After Installing New Windows 95 Software

Wednesday, April 4th, 2007

After installing third-party software that uses TCP/IP, TinyTERM may fail to connect on Windows 95. This happens when the new software replaces Winsock2 with an older version. This is not an issue on newer versions of Windows.

To fix this, reinstall Winsock2 on Windows 95. You can download the install here.

Get Capture Failed

Wednesday, April 4th, 2007

Starting TinyTERM Plus Edition 4.03 on Windows 98 or NT , you may receive the error “Get Capture Failed,” followed by DLL errors. This usually indicates you do not have TCP/IP installed. To correct the problem, you will need to do the following:

  1. Add TCP/IP to Windows.
  2. Reboot your PC.
  3. Uninstall TinyTERM, then reboot.
  4. Reinstall TinyTERM. When the install completes, reboot your PC, whether or not you are prompted to do so.

Unable to Configure TCP/IP on Windows 3.1

Friday, March 30th, 2007

Using self-created floppies of the TinyTERM 3.3 install on Windows 3.1, you may be unable to setup TCP/IP afterward. This generally happens when the TCP/IP or network utilities options were deselected during the install. You will need to uninstall the current install, reboot the system and reinstall. Make sure you select both TCP/IP and network utilities on the reinstall.

Telnetd: All Network Ports in Use

Friday, March 30th, 2007

This error does not come from the terminal emulator. Instead, it comes from the server. It means all the available TCP ports are in use. It may also point to a network problem on the host system. Contact support for the host system for more information.

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