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Archive for the 'Keyboard' Category

BREAK Fails to Cisco Router

Tuesday, November 23rd, 2010

When connected to a Cisco router, the BREAK key does not open rmon as it should. The key is apparently not usable connected to a Cisco router at all.

CR 910

Print Screen Mapped to Key Fails

Tuesday, December 2nd, 2008

If you use TinyTERM’s keyboard mapper to map a key to print the screen, the key does nothing. It doesn’t matter which of the available commands is used. The screen cannot be printed from a key.

CR 867

5250 Keyboard Mapper

Tuesday, May 15th, 2007

The standalone 5250 Keyboard Mapper is similar to the mapper in the standalone 3270 emulator. However, some of the keys are already mapped. In the PC Keyboard section, red keys are standard Windows keys. Black keys are already mapped to 5250 protocol keys. Yellow keys cannot be changed.

To the left of the tn5250 Keymap section is a Show Map button. This will give a more detailed list of the key abbreviations. It also allows you to change the keys in a list format, rather than a map format.

To map a PC Keyboard key, drag the desired key from the tn5250 Keymap section and drop it on the PC key you want configured. The new key mapping will display in black.

To save the mapping, exit 5250 emulation. The program will prompt you for a profile name. Save the profile. When starting 5250 emulation, select the desired profile to restore the keyboard mapping.

TN3270 Keyboard Mapping

Tuesday, May 15th, 2007

In the standalone TN3270 emulator, the Keyboard Mapper is not the same as the mapper in TinyTERM. Instead, it shows a 3270 Protocol Keys section at the top, and a PC Keyboard at the bottom.

The PC keys are in red and yellow. Pointing to any red key with the mouse causes an “Unmapped” message to appear at the bottom.

To the left of the 3270 Protocol Keys is a Show Map button. This will give a more detailed list of the key abbreviations. It also allows you to change the keys in a list format, rather than a map format.

To map a PC Keyboard key, use the left mouse button to drag the desired key from the 3270 Protocol Keys. Drop it on the red key you want mapped. The key will list its new assignment in black.

To save the mapping, exit the Keyboard Mapper. It will prompt you for a profile name, then save it. The next time you start 3270 emulation, select the desired profile to return to that key mapping.

To make changes to the key mappings under the any profile, open that profile. Go to the Keyboard Mapper to see and change that profile’s mappings.

Using the Keyboard Mapper

Thursday, May 10th, 2007

The keyboard may be remapped to suit specific needs for each user. In addition, more than one keyboard mapping may be set up, and keyboard mappings may be distributed to other PCs. This document addresses keyboard mapping in Windows versions of TERM and TinyTERM.

To change the keyboard scheme
From the TinyTERM 3.x or TERM 7.x Configure menu, select Keyboard. The Keyboard Select dialog box is then displayed.

In TinyTERM 4.x, from the Edit menu select Session Properties, then the Keyboard tab.

From the drop-down list, select the keyboard scheme to load. To have the selected scheme take effect, click the OK button. To leave the keyboard scheme as is, click the Cancel button.

To edit an existing keyboard scheme, select it and click the Edit button. In TinyTERM 3.x or TERM 7.x, it will be saved under the same name automatically. In TinyTERM 4.x, click the Save As button when done editing, then give the same name it had before.

After clicking the Edit button, the Keyboard Editor dialog box comes up. Some of the buttons in this dialog box are described below. The more obvious buttons — such as Cancel — are not described in the interest of document length.

Create a new keyboard scheme
To create a new keyboard mapping scheme in TinyTERM 3.x or TERM 7.x, type a description in the Keyboard Scheme edit field and click the Edit button. In TinyTERM 4.x, click the Save As button and give the scheme a new name.

The keyboard editor
All the keys in the keyboard edit window accept several actions:

  • Any key can be dragged and dropped on any other key to change the destination key to send the sequence of the source key. The label on the destination key will change to the new value, and the font will be bold to show that the key has been changed.
  • Any key can be clicked on and the key name will appear in the Keyname list box for manual editing.
  • When the Alt, Shift or Ctrl key is clicked, the keyboard will redraw to display the keys modified by the selected key. Shift and Ctrl may be combined, but Alt is used alone. Keys that do not display a value are generally not mappable, except for the space bar.

The key chart
Clicking the Chart Open button opens the TCS chart. Characters from the chart can be dragged to keys in the keyboard editor. The target key will be set to the value of the character dragged and dropped. Each page of the TCS chart can be viewed by clicking the buttons labeled 1, 2, 3 and 4 on the right side of the chart.

The functions chart can be displayed by clicking the F Button. TinyTERM functions can be dragged from this chart to any key.

Set button
This button can be used to set or apply the contents of the Value Viewer text box to the selected key.

The Reset button
Clicking this button resets the selected key to its default value.

The Clipboard
The Clipboard is a temporary holding area for keys and values. Use the clipboard to drag keys and values from modified keys to unmodified keys and to drag keys and values from unmodified keys to modified keys. More information is available here.

Copy keyboard mappings
To copy keyboard mappings to other PCs running TinyTERM 3.x or TERM 7.x, simply copy the current .tap file and the keyboard.dat file to a network or floppy drive. The files can then be copied onto the other PCs.

For TinyTERM 4.x, simply copy the keyboard.dat file. No other files are needed for the keyboard schemes.

Common macro values

Macro Meaning Keyboard
\E or ^[ Escape Esc
^M or \r Enter or carriage return Enter
\n or ^J line feed Ctrl-J
^ control Ctrl
\x## hex string (n/a)

Typing Ctrl-E in TinyTERM 3.x executes the internal command ECMD by default. To remap Ctrl-E to the value ^E, do the following:

  1. Open the Keyboard Editor.
  2. After selecting the correct keyboard scheme, click the Edit button.
  3. Click the CTRL key on the keyboard map.
  4. Click the key labeled FN1 where the E key should be.
  5. Notice under Keyname that “^E” is displayed, and in Value is shown “<ECMD>”.
  6. Remove <ECMD> in the Value box.
  7. Click the Chart Open button.
  8. Click on the club symbol in the chart (5th symbol on the first row), then drag the symbol to the Value Viewer box. The club symbol on an ASCII chart is the same as ^E.
  9. The club symbol will be displayed in the Value Viewer box. The Value will display “<517>”, which is the internal TCS value.
  10. Click the Set button, then click OK. Typing Ctrl-E will now send ^E.

You can also view this information in a screencast by clicking here.

Key Mapping for WordPerfect 5.0

Thursday, May 10th, 2007

With TinyTERM for DOS set for SCOANSI emulation, the UNIX TERM environment variable set to ansi or ansic, and the WPTERM environment variable set to either term or termcolor, the following lines can be added to the tt.rc file to allow TinyTERM to work with WordPerfect 5.0 for UNIX.

setkey sf10 reset
setkey f10 reset
setkey cf10 reset
setkey kp- "\E[-" !keypad -
setkey kp+ "\E[+" !keypad +
setkey c-home "\E[E" !Ctrl-Home
setkey c-pgup "\E[J" !Ctrl-PgUp
setkey c-pgdn "\E[K" !Ctrl-PgDn
setkey c-end "\E[0" !Ctrl-End
setkey c-left "\E[1" !Ctrl-LeftArrow
setkey c-right "\E[2" !Ctrl-RightArrow
setkey c-enter "\E[3" !Ctrl-Enter
setkey c-bs "\E[4" !Ctrl-BackSpace
setkey s-tab "\E[5" !Shift-Tab
setkey "^H" "\E{h" !Ctrl-H
setkey "^Q" "\E{q" !Ctrl-Q
setkey "^S" "\E{s" !Ctrl-S
setkey af1 "\E[w" !Map Ctrl-Shift-Fkeys to Alt-Fkeys
setkey af2 "\E[x"
setkey af3 "\E[y"
setkey af4 "\E[z"
setkey af5 "\E[@"
setkey af6 "\E[["
setkey af7 "\E["
setkey af8 "\E[]"
setkey af9 "\E[\^"
setkey af10 "\E[_"
setkey alta "\E|a" !Assign sequences to Alt-A through Alt-Z
!setkey altb "\E|b" ! Not mapped for default break key.
!setkey altc "\E|c" ! Not mapped for default compose key.
setkey altd "\E|d"
setkey alte "\E|e"
setkey altf "\E|f"
setkey altg "\E|g"
!setkey alth "\E|h" ! Not mapped for hot key.
setkey alti "\E|i"
setkey altj "\E|j"
setkey altk "\E|k"
setkey altl "\E|l"
setkey altm "\E|m"
setkey altn "\E|n"
setkey alto "\E|o"
!setkey altp "\E|p" ! Not mapped so we can print.
setkey altq "\E|q"
setkey altr "\E|r"
!setkey alts "\E|s" ! Not mapped so we can run setup.
setkey altt "\E|t"
setkey altu "\E|u"
setkey altv "\E|v"
setkey altw "\E|w"
!setkey altx "\E|x" ! Not mapped so we can exit.
setkey alty "\E|y"
setkey altz "\E|z"

You may want to comment out different lines than those selected above. The ones commented out are the default keys used by TinyTERM.

Caps Lock Status Display

Thursday, May 3rd, 2007

Century Software, Inc., has had a request to display the status of Caps Lock in the emulator window. The most likely place for such a feature would be the Status Bar at the bottom of the TinyTERM window.

CR 834

Alt-Shift Function Keys

Thursday, May 3rd, 2007

No key on the keyboard can be mapped in combination with both Alt and Shift. Century Software, Inc., has had a request to make the function keys mappable when Alt and Shift are both pressed.

CR 83

Numeric Keypad Fails in TVI950 Block Mode

Thursday, May 3rd, 2007

With TVI950 emulation in block mode, you can input data from the numeric keys on the main keyboard, but not from the numeric keypad. With NumLock off, the arrow keys on the numeric keypad move the cursor correctly in block mode. Outside block mode, the numeric keypad works properly.

CR 826

Keyboard Editor Colors

Thursday, May 3rd, 2007

Change the default dialog color in Windows. In TinyTERM, open the Session Properties and go to the Keyboard tab. Click the Edit button to bring up the keyboard map. Most of the keys shift to match the new dialog color. However, the background stays gray, as do the Ctrl, Shift and Alt keys.

CR 8

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