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Lines Replaced by Characters

Thursday, February 22nd, 2007

In some cases, especially when you’re not using the default TERM font in TinyTERM, lines that should be drawn are odd characters instead. To change this in TinyTERM 4.x, open TinyTERM’s Session Properties and go to the Attributes tab. Check the box labeled Use Non-Font Based line draw characters. This will use graphics instead of text to draw the lines.

Please note that the color of the lines will not automatically match the text in the emulator window. The line color cannot be changed, either.

If that does not resolve the problem, your host application may be using an alternate method of drawing lines. The control characters ^N and ^O should put most terminals into graphical mode, but they are ignored by TinyTERM. This was fixed in TinyTERM version 4.65.4732.

CR 404


Wednesday, January 31st, 2007

Older versions of TinyTERM cause some applications to report a general protection fault in GDI.EXE. This is caused by the presence of the TERM fonts. To get rid of the error, delete all term*.fon files.

This will cause TinyTERM display problem, since its fonts are gone. Add a new font to TinyTERM to fix the problem. Monospaced fonts such as Courier New or Lucida Console are best.

On the other hand, if TinyTERM itself is giving the GPF error, the problem is one of two possibilities:

  1. Duplicate TERM fonts. Check your Windows fonts directory. You’ll have several term*.fon files; i.e., term480.fon, term768.fon, etc. Delete all of those except the one with the highest number. The next time you start TinyTERM, the GPF should be gone.
  2. Hardware acceleration. TinyTERM versions 3.0 and earlier don’t always handle fast graphics cards well under Windows 95. In Control Panel, go into the Performance applet and lower the speed of your hardware acceleration to bypass the error.

CR 118

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