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Archive for the 'Modem' Category

Error 4555 on Thinkpad

Thursday, April 26th, 2007

This error has only been seen on the IBM Thinkpad T21 using an IBM 10/100 Ethernet Mini-PCI Adapter with 56k Modem (MiniPCI Combo), running on Windows 2000. Any attempt to use TAPI in TinyTERM gives, “Error (4555) Get property ‘IsConnected’ failed: Invalid object instance.”

No other TAPI-using application gives an error. Updating the modem drivers does not work. However, connecting directly to the COM port and dialing the modem manually works.

CR 273

Word XP Documents Open Slowly

Thursday, April 26th, 2007

On a system with Microsoft Word XP installed, configure TinyTERM for a modem connection. Once TinyTERM has dialed in, open a Word document. This takes several minutes to complete, or completes as soon as TinyTERM hangs up. It doesn’t matter if you double-click the file, or if you use Word’s File menu to open the document.
This does not happen with serial or network connections.

CR 250

TERM in Background Doesn’t Answer Modem

Wednesday, April 25th, 2007

On a UNIX system, disable getty on a modem port. Then run a TERM script that does an answer wait on the modem. The script should continue to execute when someone dials into that modem.

When you run this script in the background using the ampersand character:

term modemscript.cmd &

the script never answers the modem, even if the script works properly run without the & switch. The TERM process runs, but it does not answer the modem.

CR 224
CR 228, all background scripts fail on Sun

Maximum Modem Speed

Wednesday, April 25th, 2007

Open TinyTERM’s Session Properties. On the Session tab, configure a modem connection. Click the Setup button next to the selected modem in Available Devices. Change the maximum speed. Whatever speed you select becomes the maximum available until you close and reopen TinyTERM.

This is purely a cosmetic issue. The dialog that allows the user to change the baud rate is actually a Windows dialog, even though the same thing does not happen through Control Panel. And actually, the baud rate set there doesn’t affect TinyTERM.

The reason is that Windows TAPI sets the baud rate when it initializes the modem. It resets the value in the dialog, then doesn’t use that dialog again. There is no real way to change the baud rate in TinyTERM. It’s not necessary, either, because TAPI should select the best available rate. If it fails to do so, try updating your modem drivers first. If that still does not help, you can manually dial the modem instead.

CR 174

Modem Pool Doesn’t Reset Modem on Disconnect

Wednesday, April 25th, 2007

When using modem pool software, the individual modem used by TinyTERM is not reset after disconnecting. This leaves the modem showing as “in use” to other applications until it times out.

CR 132

Pulse Dialing

Monday, April 23rd, 2007

TinyTERM cannot use pulse dialing to connect. It has to use tone dialing. For phone lines that require pulse instead of tone dialing, connect to the serial port and use the Hayes commands to connect. The specific command for pulse dialing is:


Replace the telephone number as appropriate.

CR 105

Clicking OK in Session Properties Causes Modem Connection Loss

Monday, April 23rd, 2007

When you go into Session Properties while connected via modem and click OK, you lose the connection even if you don’t make any changes. This is due to the way Windows TAPI handles modems. TAPI configures the modem dynamically. When you click OK in Session Properties, it wipes out those dynamic changes.

CR 84, fixed in TinyTERM 4.20

Can’t Set Parity in UNIX

Wednesday, April 18th, 2007

Connecting via modem, when TERM tries to XMIT a string the connection dies. This was tracked to the parity not being sent. There was no option to set parity in the modem initialization string.

The workaround was to use the TERM Script Language command SET MASKPAR ON. This masks the parity being sent.

CR 176

Lockup After Modem Disconnect on Windows 95

Wednesday, April 18th, 2007

Connecting to the server via modem, when you disconnect TinyTERM it may lock up. Even though it’s a modem connection, this is most likely a corrupted installation of Winsock2. You will need to reinstall Winsock2 to fix the problem.

Illegal Operation in Module KRNL386.EXE

Wednesday, April 18th, 2007

This error comes up after setting the connection type to Modem. It indicates a general problem in Windows.

Delete your modem from the system, then reboot and reinstall the drivers. If that fails, Windows itself may need to be reinstalled.

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