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Users Close TinyTERM Before Logging Out

Sometimes users will close TinyTERM when they’re done, instead of properly logging out of the host first. This can use up concurrent server licenses, or even corrupt the host database. For TinyTERM version 4.10 or higher, you can prevent this.

In the TinyTERM directory, you’ll find a sample script named outfirst.cs. It will work for network or modem connections, but not direct serial connections. RS232 connections actually connect only to the serial port in the PC, which then gets information from the line connecting it to the host. Logging out of the host does not end a serial connection the way it does over a network or modem.

To use outfirst.cs, open TinyTERM on the user’s PC. Go to the Edit menu and select Preferences. Next to the Application startup script line you’ll see a Browse button. Click on that and use the resulting Windows Find dialog to locate the outfirst.cs script. Select that script and click the Open button to make it the application startup script.

This will take you back to the Preferences dialog. Click the Apply and OK buttons. Go to TinyTERM’s File menu and select Save Session. The next time TinyTERM is started, a warning message will pop up whenever a user tries to close TinyTERM before logging out. TinyTERM will stay open and connected when the error is closed.

For screen-by-screen help with this configuration, please view our screencast on this topic.

There is one way around the outfirst.cs. If you shut down Windows, it bypasses the shutdown blocks running in TinyTERM.

CR 554

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