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Bright White Background

If you set the background color to WHITE, it comes out grey. The TinyTERM background colors (BLACK, BLUE, GREEN, CYAN, RED, MAGENTA, BROWN and WHITE) are the “darker” versions of the colors. The bright colors are reserved for the foreground.

You can make the background bright white in TinyTERM version 4.02 or higher using the CScript scripting language. No other Century Software, Inc., product allows this.

To write the script, go to TinyTERM’s Tools menu and select Script Editor. The command:


will make the WHITE background color bright white. You can change any of TinyTERM’s 16 colors the same way.

To set the colors to change automatically when you start TinyTERM, save the script you created using the Script Editor’s Save button. Once you’ve saved the script, go to TinyTERM’s Edit menu and select Session Properties. Click the radio button by “Post session start,” then click the Browse button below that. Select the script you created and click OK. Click OK again to close the Session Properties, then save the settings. The next time you open that session, your color settings will load automatically. You will need to do this for each session separately.

In TinyTERM version 4.9.0 or higher, you can instead edit the .tpx file in use, using any text editor. Locate the line:


Change it to read:


This is the hexadecimal value for bright white in the RGB color map. Other colors may be set the same way. You can use to get RGB color values if desired.

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