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Error 965 Error in Host Key

There are two main causes for this error. The first is an error in the fingerprint.

To remove the fingerprint in Windows, open the Registry Editor and go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Century Software\HostKeys. Delete all the entries inside that folder, but leave the folder itself there, then close the Registry Editor. The next time you start TinyTERM and connect to that host, it will ask if the fingerprint is correct. Click Yes and continue.

To remove the fingerprint in UNIX, go to the user’s home directory and enter the command:

cd .ssh

In that directory you’ll find a known_hosts file. Rename that and attempt the connection again.

If that does not clear the problem up, the host is probably configured to accept RSA key authentication, but TinyTERM or TERM is using a username and password instead. To disable RSA on the host, go to its /etc/ssh directory and edit the sshd_config file. Look for the following two lines:

RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes

Change “yes” to “no” on each line. The lines may also be commented out with the # character. If so, remove it from the beginning of the line when making the change. Restart the SSH daemon after making the change.

CR 662
CR 802, request for option to continue on failed host key

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