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Serial Number Does Not Match Activation Key

There are several possible solutions to this error:

  1. If the version printed on the activation key card or listed in the license email does not match the install version, then this error will come up. Verify that the serial number you have matches the TinyTERM version you are installing. For example, older serial numbers will not work with the current TinyTERM download. And the serial number that comes with a TinyTERM CD is specific to that version of TinyTERM.
  2. Check the serial number and activation key for typographical errors. The serial number will always be 11 characters long: one to three letters, six to eight numerals, then two letters. No serial number ends in the letters “OEM”. The capital letter O will actually be the number zero in all cases.The activation key is always eight letters. Depending on the font, this may make the lower-case letter l look like the number 1. It’s never a number, though.
  3. When installing TinyTERM 4.52 from CD, you’re seeing a timing error. Despite what the install says, it’s not ready for the license yet.In this case, click the 30-Day Eval button instead. The install will continue from there. Once the install is done, go to Start | Programs | TinyTERM and run the License Manager.

    In License Manager, click the Upgrade button. Enter your serial number and activation key, then click Update License. Close the License Manager. TinyTERM will then be licensed, rather than an eval copy.

  4. For a serial number that starts with the letters MMA, do not let the CD autorun. Instead, on the TinyTERM CD you’ll find a folder named “setup32_v33.” Run the setup.exe program in that directory instead. That will accept your license information.

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