Any version of TERM or TinyTERM that can run a script can also have the host system it’s connected to execute a TSL or CScript command. To do that, precede the command with an escape character ^[ (ASCII 27) and the string &oF, then follow it with a carriage return ^M (ASCII 13). Send the entire sequence as screen display information. When TinyTERM receives the ^[&oF string, it stops screen display and accepts everything until the ^M carriage return is received. It then processes the appropriate data as script commands.
A sample shell script for Linux might look like this (\033 is the octal value of the escape character, and \015 is the octal value of the carriage return):
echo -e “\033&oFspawn(1,”notepad.exe”,”notepad readme.txt”);\015″
Sent to TinyTERM 4.x, this string executes the CScript command spawn(), which in turn runs Notepad and opens the file readme.txt. A similar command in TERM Script Language would read:
echo -e “\033&oFrun vi readme.txt\015”
This feature is not documented in most releases of TERM or TinyTERM. It was added to the TinyTERM 4.30 CScript documentation.
CR 384
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on Friday, April 13th, 2007 at 1:44 pm and is filed under CScript, Scripting, TSL.
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