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Restrict TinyTERM to a Single Open Session

TinyTERM can open up to nine sessions in a single window. However, through the included CScript language you can limit TinyTERM 4.05 or higher to one session. The script available for download here does just that. Every time a new session is opened, it checks to see if it’s the first one. If not, it immediately closes the session.

To use the script, go to TinyTERM’s Tools menu and select Script Editor. Enter the above script commands. (The comment lines set off with // are not necessary.) Click the Save button and give the script a name, such as “onesess.cs”, then close the Script Editor.

Next, go to TinyTERM’s Edit menu and select Preferences. Next to the “Application startup script” line, click the Browse button. Select the onesess.cs script and click OK. Save all settings. The next time you start TinyTERM, the script will run automatically.

This script will not work if TinyTERM is opened inside a Web browser. The browser takes over some of the functions outfirst.cs needs to catch a disconnect or session close.

There is no equivalent script that will prevent TinyTERM from being opened multiple times.

CR 566, multiple TinyTERM instances

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