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Problems with VT Emulations in vi

Open a reasonable-size file in vi, one that has more than a couple screens of information. Move partway through, then put the cursor in the middle of the screen. Type “dd” or Shift-J to delete a line. You get a Dr. Watson in tt.exe, stack overflow error.

If the file doesn’t take up a full screen of emulation, you won’t get a Dr. Watson error. However, the entire screen will scroll deleting a single line.

If you don’t delete lines, but just scroll down through the file, you can’t scroll back up. And the status line scrolls with the file text as well.

This affects all VT-series emulations. The scrolling problem affects the Linux emulation as well.

CR 458, Dr. Watson
CR 459, scrolling
both fixed in TinyTERM 4.31

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