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Maximum Modem Speed

Open TinyTERM’s Session Properties. On the Session tab, configure a modem connection. Click the Setup button next to the selected modem in Available Devices. Change the maximum speed. Whatever speed you select becomes the maximum available until you close and reopen TinyTERM.

This is purely a cosmetic issue. The dialog that allows the user to change the baud rate is actually a Windows dialog, even though the same thing does not happen through Control Panel. And actually, the baud rate set there doesn’t affect TinyTERM.

The reason is that Windows TAPI sets the baud rate when it initializes the modem. It resets the value in the dialog, then doesn’t use that dialog again. There is no real way to change the baud rate in TinyTERM. It’s not necessary, either, because TAPI should select the best available rate. If it fails to do so, try updating your modem drivers first. If that still does not help, you can manually dial the modem instead.

CR 174

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