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Century NFS Server

The NFS Server may be set up for individual users or groups and may be used to set up directories to be exported, including permissions for files included. The server itself must be set up, as well as the users and groups for the server. Detailed explanations follow for each item on the NFS Server main screen.

Getting Started
To initiate NFS Server, select the Network Shared Files icon from the Century program group. The following steps are required for initial setup of the NFS Server. Detailed explanations for each of the options are in the “Guided Tour” section of this document:

  1. Set up the Log File that will record NFS Server events. This includes startups and transfers. From the NFS Server main screen, go to the Options menu and select Log File Setup.
  2. The server itself may be customized for various options. These options include turning the server on, starting the server minimized, packet size of transfers, whether or not the files will be transferred in UNIX format and whether or not the server will act as an authenticator for the network.
  3. The group(s) that will be allowed access to the NFS Server must then be set up. When users are set up, the group the user belongs to must be entered as a valid NFS Server group. The user as well as the group the user belongs to will determine permission rights to files exported using the NFS Server. From the Options menu, select Setup Groups.
  4. Set up the individual users that will have access to the NFS Server. From the Options menu, select User.
  5. The directories to be exported must then be entered. These directories may be changed as often as necessary. In addition, user permissions for the directories may be changed as necessary. From the Options menu, select Setup Exports.

Guided Tour
After initializing NFS Server, the following selections are available:

  • Log to File
  • Log File Setup
  • Setup Server
  • Setup Users
  • Setup Groups
  • Setup Exports

Log to File
This item works as an on switch for the Log File. If a check is placed on this item, events occurring on the NFS Server will be recorded in the Log File. Without a check mark, events will not be recorded. To have the ability to change this option, the Log File must be set up first.

Log File Setup
This option sets up the file where events in the NFS Server are logged. After selecting this option, enter the desired directory and file. If the name of the file or the path name is not known, click Files. You can then browse for the file.

Usually a .tmp (temporary) file is used for log files. This file will need to be maintained by manually clearing the entries to the file.

Events logged to this file include such items as file transfers, startups of the server, daemon functions and other NFS functions. The history may then be reviewed as required.

Setup Server
Changes may be made to server operation here. The following are detailed descriptions of each of the options available:

  • Server On
    This checkbox will turn the server on and off. Click this box if the server should be initialized on startup.
  • Start Minimized
    This option determines whether the server will be initialized as a full window display or if it will be minimized at startup. Place a check in this box if the server should be minimized at startup.
  • Preferred Transfer Size
    The size of the read/write blocks may be changed as required. Select the desired size from the pull down list.
  • Export Mounts in UNIX Style
    If the files exported from the erver should be formatted for UNIX, place a check in this box. When files are viewed in UNIX format, clients will see the exported directory as /c/tmp rather than C:\tmp, for example.
  • PCNFS Daemon On
    Place a check in this box if the server should act as an authenticator for the network.
  • Port Mapping Daemon On
    This checkbox must be selected as on if the Server On option is checked. This determines if the server is running on a port.

Setup Users
Users must be set up on the server to be allowed access. Select Options | Setup Users to display the Setup User dialog box:

  • User Name
    Type the username that will be allowed access. To delete a user, click the Remove button after selecting the username.
  • Password
    Type the password for the user. This will be required when the user is attempting to access the server.
  • UID
    Type a User Identification (UID) number, or click Create Unique ID to have the UID created automatically. The UID will be used when transferring files to or from a UNIX machine. UNIX determines read, write and execute privileges from the UID. If the UID entered for the user does not allow privileges to the files specified to transfer, the transfer will not complete.
  • Group
    Type the Group name or select the correct group for the user from the pull down list. The group the user is assigned to will be used in conjunction with the actual user name to determine read, write and execute privileges.
  • Secondary Groups
    The user may be assigned to Secondary Groups to allow additional permissions for the individual. Implement Secondary Groups by clicking the Change button. Highlight the desired Secondary Group from the list displayed and click the Accept button.

Setup Groups
Groups must be set up prior to setting up users. The group name and group ID entered in this option will determine the privileges allowed to users assigned to the group. Select Options | Setup Groups:

  • Group Name
    Type the group name to be added, changed or removed. If the group name entered should be removed, click on the Remove button.
  • Group ID
    Type the Group ID for the name entered. The group ID entered will determine file privileges allowed to users assigned to this group. The group ID should be consistent with the group ID of files that will be transferred to or from the UNIX machine. If the group ID does not match the permissions set for the file(s) transferred, the transfer will not be completed.

Setup Exports
Entire directories or specific files within the directories may be specified for export. Select Options | Setup Exports:

  • Directory/Files
    Type the full directory path to export or select the desired directory from the pull-down list.
  • Owner
    Select the username from the pull-down list. The permissions for the user, the group the user has been assigned to, as well as the permissions for Other will be displayed. The permissions may be changed as necessary for the export.

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