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GSSAPI Support
October 28th, 2009

Century Software, inc., has had a request to add GSSAPI support to TinyTERM Plus. This has not yet been implemented.

CR 880

Century FTP Has No Documentation
October 28th, 2009

There is no documentation available for the Century FTP graphical file transfer client. The Help menu only offers an about option.

CR 879

Session Numbers Don’t Update Correctly
October 28th, 2009

Open multiple sessions in a single TinyTERM window, at least three. Check the session number for each with this command:


They will be numbered in sequence left to right, starting with session 0.

Now close session 0, the one at the left. The remaining sessions will update their index numbers. The leftmost, which used to be 1, is now 0.

Click on the tab for session 0 to make it active. Then open another session. It opens as the leftmost session, pushing the active session’s tab to the right, but indexes to be the highest-numbered session. So the second session is 0, not 1.

Make that leftmost session active again, and open another session. It will open immediately to the right of the current session, leaving it at the far left. The new session will be the highest numbered. This makes the third tab session 0.

While this does not affect TinyTERM’s basic functionality, scripts that look for specific session numbers don’t find them in the correct place.

CR 878

Fingerprint Dialog Can’t Be Bypassed
October 28th, 2009

When connecting via SSH to a new system, TinyTERM asks the user to approve the host’s fingerprint. This dialog cannot be bypassed.

When using TinyTERM’s ActiveX control CenTE.ocx programatically, this dialog does not come up. If the host’s fingerprint is not already registered with TinyTERM, the connection fails silently. The only workaround is to connect to the host using TinyTERM to register the fingerprint first.

Century Software, Inc., has had a customer request that this dialog have an option to bypass it programatically. This would remove the need for manual connections to register the fingerprint.

CR 876

PIXIL Thin Client Doesn’t Connect to Windows 2008 Server
October 28th, 2009

Attempts to connect to Windows 2008 Server from PIXIL Thin Client fail. There’s no error message in PIXIL Thin Client or in the server log, just a failure to connect. The same workstation will connect to a Windows 2003 Server on the same network.

CR 875

TVI950 Emulation Ignores Line Lock
October 28th, 2009

The TVI950 terminal includes a line lock feature which locks an 80-character line when the sequence


is received. This is ignored in TinyTERM, producing no effect.

CR 874

TTY Emulation Does Not Scroll Back
October 28th, 2009

Set TinyTERM’s terminal emulation to TTY. Connect to the host, then display text to the screen, more than one screenfull. When you scroll back, everything past the current screen is lost.

CR 873

Progress Bar Doesn’t Update When Using FTP
October 28th, 2009

When using the FTP file transfer option in the TinyTERM emulator, the progress bar doesn’t update. It stays at 0% throughout the transfer.

CR 872

Non Font-Based Line Draw Color Changes
October 28th, 2009

In TinyTERM’s Session Properties, go to the Attributes tab and turn on the “Use non font-based line draw” option. Connect to your host system, then go to a screen that draws lines in a color other than the default. The lines will change colors, but refreshing the screen; i.e. by putting a new window in the foreground, then bringing TinyTERM back, changes the colors.

If you don’t set that option, line draw characters maintain the correct colors.

CR 871

X Forwarding for SSH
October 28th, 2009

Century Software, Inc., has received a request to add SSH-based X forwarding to TinyTERM Plus. This has not yet been implemented.

CR 870

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