Key |
keyChar value |
keypad 0 |
61721 |
keypad 1 |
61722 |
keypad 2 |
61723 |
keypad 3 |
61724 |
keypad 4 |
61725 |
keypad 5 |
61726 |
keypad 6 |
61727 |
keypad 7 |
61728 |
keypad 8 |
61729 |
keypad 9 |
61730 |
CR 1099, documentation updated
Posted in ITX, Keyboard | Comments Off on keyChar Values 281-283 Send Incorrect Character
When using AirPrint for a transparent print job, a full 80-character line that ends in a carriage return/line feed pair (CRLF) is counted as two lines, even though it prints as one. This throws off the page length counter, causing the print job to feed a new page before it’s needed.
CR 1102
Posted in iOS, iPhone, Transparent | Comments Off on AirPrint Transparent Print Uses Extra Pages
TinyTERM ITX 2 and TinyTERM Pro for iOS both convert all Ctrl-J characters (ASCII 10) sent from the on-screen keyboard to Ctrl-M (ASCII 13) before sending them to the host. This change was made deliberately for customers who prefer the standard iPad keyboard. However, there is no way to revert this behavior if the ^J character is needed.
CR 1101, fixed in March 2013 releases
Posted in iOS, iPhone, Keyboard | Comments Off on Ctrl-J Sent to Host as Ctrl-M
In TinyTERM Pro for iPhone, use the keyboard scan key to scan a bar codeĀ in landscape mode. On returning to TinyTERM Pro, the text size is at maximum. This happens with any other function that resets the keyboard and display also.
CR 1055
Posted in iPhone | Comments Off on Text Zooms After Scan
TinyTERM ITX 3270 for iOS does not currently include code page support. Century Software, Inc., has received a request to add multinational code page support, in particular German.
CR 1100
Posted in 3270, Code Page, ITX | Comments Off on German Code Page Support
When using VT-series emulations on the new iPad (3rd or 4th generation) double-height characters are drawn in the wrong position. This does not affect the original iPad, iPad 2, iPhone or iPod Touch.
CR 1098
Posted in iOS, VT100, VT220 | Comments Off on Double-Height Characters Drawn in Wrong Position
Siri Integration
December 27th, 2012
No TinyTERM ITX product currently uses Siri for text dictation. Siri is very good at interpreting natural language. However, a typical shell prompt does not accept standard text. Adding Siri support to TinyTERM will require the ability to parse commands along these lines:
ls -lR | grep .obj | more
CR 1094
Posted in iOS, iPhone | Comments Off on Siri Integration