Create a 5250 Terminal Emulation Configuration
After starting a 5250 terminal emulation configuration, you'll need the connection specifics. At a minimum, you need the Hostname or IP address of the server, and the communications Protocol and Emulation the server requires.
There are no generic settings that will work for these options. Each is specific to a given server, as determined by the server administrator.
Connection Settings
Enter the Hostname, then select the Protocol. The default Port is determined by the Protocol: 23 for telnet, 993 for STARTTLS or SSL/TLS. On some systems, these values are different as an added security measure. In that case, you'll need to enter the correct Port as well. The LU Name is optional.
The Keep Alive Timer specifies in seconds how often to send a keepalive packet. The default value 0 disables keepalives. Any other value sends a keepalive packet after that many seconds have passed with no terminal emulation traffic.
Both Username and Password are used with an Auto Login Macro. The macro may include placeholders for username, password, or both. Placeholders allow the settings here to be entered at the appropriate point, so that a single macro can be shared by multiple users by exporting and importing the files.
Auto Connect causes this configuration to connect as soon as TinyTERM Enterprise starts. Only one configuration may have Auto Connect set. Turning that switch on for one configuration automatically turns it off in any other that has it set.
Auto Reconnect causes this configuration to connect again automatically if the connection to the host is lost. This usually happens when logging out, but may happen on network errors or at other times.
Prevent Disconnect effectively disables the ability to disconnect manually while the connection is active. The user can only disconnect by logging out of the host system.
The option to Enable HostTE is used in conjunction with the HostTE Proxy Settings. This provides a proxy service for the connection. Turning on Persist HostTE Session keeps the session active through TinyTERM Enterprise TE Server, even if the iOS device goes offline.

Terminal Emulator Settings
Select the specific Emulation required by your host system and application.
Destructive BS determines the action of the ⌫ key. When off, the key moves the cursor left, but does not clear the text it passes over. With the switch on, characters are cleared from the screen as the cursor backspaces over them.
TinyTERM Enterprise can readily be used with an external scanner. It can also use the iPad rear camera as a barcode scanner. With the Scan Send CR switch set, a successful scan is followed by a carriage return. If this switch is off, no CR is sent with a scan.
Magstripe Reader Settings opens a dialog that allows you to choose which tracks on a magnetic stripe to read. This is used with certain scanner enclosures.
Portrait Settings and Landscape Settings open additional dialogs, documented in their own online user guide.
Host Code Page determines the basic character set TinyTERM will use, depending on the language selected.

Printer Settings
Through the Print Screen Printer option, TinyTERM Enterprise can print the 5250 emulation screen to AirPrint printers or to email. Email jobs can be sent as text, PDF, JPEG or PNG. The Transparent printer setting is not used by TN5250 emulations. Printer Settings are covered in their own user guide.

Color Settings
TinyTERM Enterprise offers nine different color settings, which override the default colors used by the host system. Each can be changed to one of 16 available colors.
The Hide Title Bar setting is global, identical to the setting in Global Options. It's reproduced in the individual configuration settings for convenience. Setting it here affects all connections, not just the current one.

Saving the Configuration
When finished, touch the Global Options button to save the new configuration and return to the main "Global Options" screen. Or touch the Connect button to save the configuration and connect immediately.
Once a configuration is saved, you can launch it by selecting the name, then touching the Connect button.